Amid the Russian invasion, Ukrainian creatives are taking matters into their own hands to keep the country’s economy going. Fashion designers, artists, and businesses are launching initiatives to support local brands through various websites and online resources. One of these initiatives is Spend With Ukraine, which connects consumers to Ukraine-based businesses across a range of products and services. The Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund also allows for individuals to donate stipends to support artists.
Spend With Ukraine’s founders, Yaroslav Azhnyuk and Andrey Klen, emphasize the power of buying Ukrainian products. According to Klen, “Armies win battles, but economy wins wars,” and buying Ukrainian-made products supports the country’s economy, which is crucial for victory. Fashion designer Anna October, who is featured on Spend With Ukraine, also believes in the power of consumer decisions, as each of her sales sees 30% donated to the Children’s Emergency Fund.
The goal of these initiatives is to help Ukrainian creatives and keep existing industries afloat, and the founders are seeing some indications of increased demand. However, sustaining this interest is crucial, and they hope to spread the word and scale their efforts. By making purchasing decisions that support Ukrainian businesses, consumers can play a role in helping the country’s economy thrive.